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W&P 2017 Scholarship Winners

Posted on May 26, 2017

Weiss & Paarz is pleased to announce our $1,000 2017 scholarship winners, undergraduate student Olivia Boyd and law student Kristen Fling! We received so many applications from so many deserving students and want to thank our applicants for taking the time to tell us about themselves and their career goals. We welcome you all to apply again next year.

First, congratulations to our Annual Rising Star Scholar of 2017, undergraduate student Olivia Boyd! Miss Boyd is a rising sophomore at Arizona State University majoring in Nursing and minoring in Family & Human Development. Despite the tragic loss of both of her parents to cancer, Miss Boyd has managed to achieve a nearly perfect academic record while holding down multiple part-time jobs to pay her bills.

Second, congratulations to our Annual Law Scholar of 2017, law student Kristen Fling! Miss Fling is a rising 2L at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. She maintains an impressive academic record and served two years in the Air Force before getting her undergraduate degree at Kent State University. Miss Fling is deeply involved in multiple organizations fighting discrimination against minority populations in her area and on campus.

We are so thrilled to award our 2017 scholarships to such hardworking, positive, and intelligent young women and we look forward to following both of their accomplishments in the future!

To learn more about W&P’s Annual Rising Star Scholarship, visit its page here. To learn more about W&P’s Annual Law Scholarship, visit its page here.

Weiss & Paarz is a law firm dedicated to medical malpractice cases, including birth injury malpractice, cerebral palsy malpractice, and malpractice related to stroke misdiagnosis.


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