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The True Cost of Medical Mistakes

Posted on February 28, 2008

Medical mistakes cost everyone. The result can be seen in rising insurance premiums, however the true cost is human suffering. Anyone who has become disabled, or lost someone they love understands the crushing pain of medical mistakes. In many cases families are faced with a lifetime of financial burden that they cannot afford. They worry about how they can afford to pay for the treatment their child requires due to the negligence of a preventable birth injury. Survivors face overwhelming grief once they realize their loved one should never have died of cancer due to the failure of the medical provider to make a proper diagnosis. Preventable medical mistakes should not be ignored. Medical providers should be held to a higher standard.

Surviving family members find their own lives shutting down as they struggle with grief, guilt, and anger. Often they are left with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and anxiety. Don’t let the pain take away your ability to reason. It is important to understand your rights in the event of a medical malpractice incident.

With over 30 years of experience, Weiss & Paarz can help you and your family sort through the next step in pursuing a potential claim. Call now for your free consultation.


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