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Spinal Cord Injuries

Posted on April 01, 2009

Living with a spinal cord injury can be mentally, physically and financially challenging, both for the victim as well as the victim’s family. While paralysis comes to mind for many people when they hear of spinal cord injuries, there are a whole host of problems a person can experience as a result of such an injuries.

Possible effects of spinal cord injury

Any combination of the following post-injury symptoms can make daily life difficult for a person suffering from spinal cord injury:

  • Motor loss or loss of sensation below the injury site, which can include partial or full paralysis
  • Impaired bladder or bowel functions, including incontinence and infections
  • Irregular blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Muscle spasms
  • Lung infections

Causes of spinal cord injury

Any type of traumatic blow, laceration or bruising of the spinal cord can result in a spinal cord injury. When the spinal cord cells or attached nerve fibers become damaged, the flow of information in the central nervous system is blocked. As a result, the brain is unable to properly send and receive signals to help the body function properly. Common causes for spinal cord injury include:

  • Auto accidents
  • Slips and falls
  • Gunshots or knife wounds
  • Disease
  • Sports and recreation accidents

If you are a victim of spinal cord injury and believe your condition could have been prevented, please contact New Jersey/Philadelphia spinal cord injury lawyers Mike Weiss & Bob Paarz, P.C. Our team of lawyers can help you determine if you have a spinal cord injury case.


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