Medical Negligence Lawyers (No Win, No Fee)

Medical Malpractice is the only thing we do.

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Serving New Jersey – Pennsylvania – Nationwide*

Many people believe that needing an attorney to help them handle a case means needing a large sum of money to pay legal fees. At Weiss & Paarz, we believe that limited financial resources should never get in the way of obtaining justice. That’s why we follow the no win, no fee contingency method. If and only if we win your case, a percentage of your compensation will go towards covering any legal fees. If not, the loss is on us.

Weiss & Paarz handles cases on what’s known as a contingency basis, which means that you will not have to pay any legal fees unless money is recovered for you. Bottom line: You pay nothing unless you win. 

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Lawyers

To make things easier for our clients, we offer free consultations with no obligations to discuss your potential claim. At the law firm of Weiss & Paarz P.C., we will fight for your compensation.  However, if we do not win, you don’t owe use a thing.  At Weiss & Paarz P.C., no recovery means no fee to you.

If you are in need of a medical malpractice attorney in New Jersey, the Philadelphia area, or nationwide*, feel free to contact our office to discuss your claim.

*The firm handles cases in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. For cases outside those states, Weiss & Paarz works with local attorneys in the state where the medical care took place, at no additional cost to the client.

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Answers may only be a phone call away.

Call 1-800-952-8444

or fill out our web submission form and our team will contact you to evaluate whether we can help with your potential claim.


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