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Nevada Cancer Misdiagnosis Case Returns $2.5 Million Verdict

Posted on March 17, 2009

A Nevada jury recently awarded the family of Elisa Sanchez $2.5 million in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Sanchez recently died due to her doctor’s misdiagnosis of cancer.

In 2004, Sanchez visited her doctor after finding blood in her stool. Her doctor diagnosed her with hemorrhoids, despite the fact that she was suffering from colon and rectal cancer. As a result, Sanchez experienced a seven month delay in the diagnosis and treatment of her cancer.

Had her doctor properly diagnosed the condition at Sanchez’s first visit, she would have had a 97% chance of survival and recovery. Due to her doctor’s negligence, her survival rate dropped to 50%. Sanchez died of cancer in 2007 at age 27.

Surviving cancer strongly depends on early diagnosis and prompt treatment. In a cancer misdiagnosis case, it is critical to demonstrate that the delayed diagnosis resulted in a diminished chance that treatment would lead to recovery.

The Law Offices of Weiss & Paarz P.C. specializes in medical malpractice cases. We believe that by focusing on these highly complex and specific types of cases, we can offer our clients superior representation and better results.

If you have a cancer misdiagnosis claim, please contact our medical malpractice attorneys today to schedule a consultation. We represent clients in New Jersey and the Philadelphia metropolitan area.


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