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Michael Weiss Named Lawyer of the Year

Posted on August 22, 2014


Weiss & Paarz is excited to announce its continued inclusion in the 21st Edition (2014-2015) of The Best Lawyers in America as a Tier 1 firm in the Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs category.

Additionally, Weiss & Paarz partner Michael L Weiss, Esq. has been named “Lawyer of the Year” in the Best Lawyers’ 2014-2015 Atlantic City Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs category.

Each year, one attorney is selected from each practice area in each community. Last year, Robert E Paarz, Esq. was named Lawyer of the Year in the 2013 edition. To read more about Michael Weiss, visit his attorney bio page here. To read more about Robert Paarz, you can visit his attorney bio page here.

To qualify for a ranking, law firms must receive consistently excellent reviews from their clients and colleagues-including their competition. Additionally, firms are recognized for their professionalism, legal expertise, civility, and integrity. To read more about the methodology behind Best Lawyers’ rankings, click here.

U.S. News measures firm performance on a national basis across almost 200 different metropolitan areas. We work very hard to get justice for our clients and we are thrilled to have a place in the rankings for the fifth year in a row!

Best Law Firms 2015 & Lawyer of the Year – Weiss & Paarz PC


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