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Gastric Bypass Malpractice

Posted on May 20, 2008

Gastric bypass surgery has become a popular option for those who suffer from morbid obesity. Although the safety of the procedure continues to improve, the fatality rate is nearly twice that of other similarly complicated operations – affecting as many or more than 1 in 200 patients.

Abdominal surgery is risky. Risks include infections, heavy bleeding, inflammation of stomach’s lining, rejection of material used for sutures, blockage of the intestines because of adhesion, and incisional hernia. Leaking of gastrointestinal juices from the surgical connections can lead to serious infection, abscess, peritonitis and death. 10-20% of patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery need follow-up surgery to correct such complications.

You or a loved one may have a valid gastric bypass malpractice claim if:

  • The treatment facilities lacked appropriately-sized equipment for obese persons (diagnostic tools, instruments, CAT scanners, and operating tables)
  • The physician was fatigued while performing the surgery, increasing the risk of complication.
  • The physician failed to respond immediately to complaints of symptoms that indicated suture line leaks or other complications
  • Excessive pain was endured shortly after the surgery
  • Serious complications such as clotting, difficulty breathing, or kidney problems resulted from the surgery
  • The doctor did not sufficiently monitor the post-operative recovery
  • The physician failed to educate you or your loved one about post-surgery recovery so that in the event of complications the response could be swift and life saving

If you think you or a family member might be a victim of bariatric malpractice, contact the experienced medical malpractice attorneys at Weiss & Paarz today.


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