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Emergency Room Errors as Medical Malpractice

Posted on July 03, 2009

The lack of healthcare insurance is having an effect on emergency rooms all over the country. People with no health insurance are using emergency rooms as their only source of healthcare treatment for every conceivable ailment. This surge in patients with mostly non-emergency medical problems has put those truly in need of emergency medical treatment in jeopardy.

Emergency rooms are now more than ever, overcrowded and understaffed which is a perfect scenario for mistakes to be made. Negligence and wrongdoing thrive in the present environment in our nations emergency rooms.

Emergency room errors can include the failure to evaluate a patient properly, a misdiagnosis, a delayed or failed diagnosis, delayed treatment, wrong medication or improper dosage being administered and patient dumping. Patient dumping is an alarming trend that refers to a patient being transferred to another facility for monetary, not health treatment reasons, no matter their condition.

Emergency room errors can cause great pain and suffering, long term disabilities and even death. Financial compensation for an emergency room error may include payment for current and future medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, long term care expenses, loss of income and future earning potential, loss of enjoyment of life and funeral and burial expenses.

Residents of New Jersey and the Philadelphia metropolitan area that have been victims of an emergency room error should contact the highly skilled medical malpractice attorneys, Michael L. Weiss and Robert E. Paarz of Weiss & Paarz, P.C. today to schedule a confidential consultation to protect your legal rights and obtain the financial compensation you are entitled to.


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