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Cancer Misdiagnosis as Medical Malpractice

Posted on August 04, 2009

Early detection is the best defense against a diagnosis of cancer. Early detection increases your chances of survival because of the reality you will respond better to treatment if the cancer is discovered in its’ early stages.

A misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis in the detection of cancer can mean a death sentence. Cancer can be misdiagnosed by a failure to obtain an accurate history of the illness from the patient, a failure to perform a thorough examination, a failure to recognize actual symptoms or a failure to perform the necessary diagnostic testing to confirm or rule out a certain disease.

A failed, delayed or missed diagnosis can result in severe physical pain and suffering, long term or permanent disability, disfigurement and even premature death. A cancer misdiagnosis creates a financial hardship for those left to deal with the consequences and the responsible individuals should be made to share that hardship. Delayed treatment means lost income, additional healthcare expenses and in some cases, funeral and burial costs.

You may be entitled to financial compensation if you or a loved one was the victim of a failed, delayed or misdiagnosis of cancer. Please contact the highly skilled medical malpractice attorneys, Michael L. Weiss and Robert E. Paarz of Weiss & Paarz, P.C. today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to ensure your legal rights are protected and you get the financial compensation you deserve.


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