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Weiss & Paarz, P.C. – Boston University Medical School

Posted on January 06, 2013


Weiss & Paarz, P.C. to attend the 29th Annual Conference on Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatal Medicine, Neonatology, and the Law; and t
he 13th Annual Multispecialty Conference on Medical Negligence and Risk Management. Hosted at Boston University Medical School.

On January 2nd – 8th, Weiss & Paarz, P.C. will be attending two multispecialty conferences hosted by the Boston University School of Medicine. These annual conferences are for medical and law professionals seeking additional interdisciplinary education from allied professionals on the medical and legal complexities of medical negligence, and related issues.

These two conferences offer an opportunity for medical and law professionals to further their education in related topics. There are two main goals of these conferences. The first is for medical professionals to learn more about the legal approach to negligence law, and develop a comprehensive awareness of the need for anticipatory and safety practices. The second is for law professionals to gain a more thorough understanding of the complex issues that emerge during the practice of medicine, and enhance their representation of clients.

In the legal profession, continuing education is very important. It improves the standards of the legal profession, and assures the public that a law professional is current in their knowledge and skills. At Weiss & Paarz, P.C. we are very committed to the continuing education of law professionals, and providing the best possible legal counsel and care to clients. Through participation of these annual conferences we uphold that commitment, and promote high standards of care for both medical patients and legal plaintiffs.

If you have a legal matter that you would like discuss with our attorneys Michael Weiss or Robert Paarz, please contact us at our New Jersey medical malpractice law office today to schedule your confidential, no-cost consultation today.


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