Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Medical Malpractice is the only thing we do

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Pamela is a member of the New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ) and the New Jersey Association of Black Women Lawyers (ABWLNJ).

Pamela Brown-Jones

Weiss & Paarz, P.C.

Serving New Jersey – Pennsylvania – Nationwide*

PAMELA BROWN-JONES, Esq., is a licensed attorney in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She is also a registered nurse. Pamela has 20 years of nursing experience and has worked in a wide variety of settings, including primary care, cardiac and cardiac intensive care, medical surgery and medical surgery intensive care, and emergency medicine. Pamela became a partner at the firm in early 2016.

Professional Memberships & Honors

Pamela is a member of the New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ) and the New Jersey Association of Black Women Lawyers (ABWLNJ).

Medical Malpractice Background & Education

As a registered nurse, Pamela was often impressed with the high quality of care provided by medical professionals. However, she was all too often dismayed in witnessing substandard care, and the devastating impact such care can have on patients and their families.

Pamela decided to become a lawyer so that she could more effectively advocate on behalf of the victims of medically preventable injuries. After graduating from law school, she served as a law clerk for Judge Mary McViegh in Passaic County, NJ, followed by several years of experience in litigating medical malpractice claims. Her extensive medical knowledge and experience provides a unique “insiders” view of the medical evidence while her litigation experience allows her to analyze the evidence within the context of relevant legal principles.

Pamela obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Howard University and is a graduate of Rutgers University School of Law.

In her free time, Pamela enjoys spending time with family, cooking, and gardening.


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